The Perfect Wedding Song

It is no secret that I love music. I love to discover new music that I have never heard of & let it carry me away somewhere. Some songs are just that beautiful. With that said, this song is just absolutely gorgeous. The lyrics are simply lovely. If you are getting married soon, or know someone getting married soon searching for the perfect song to walk down the aisle to, this is it. Right. Here. This song was just released in 2016 so couples getting married this year would be among the first to accompany this song to their wedding ceremony. Either way, take a listen. It is just so darn beautiful.

"We reflect ourselves in it to make sure that we exist: All we want is love"

"All We Want Is Love" - By Ane Brun

Expecting 2016 To Be A BIG Year!

There are many things in store for the upcoming year that I am looking forward to. But the thing I am most looking forward to in 2016 is the arrival of a baby girl named, Lola Byrd. My wife Danielle & I are so excited to be parents & raise this little girl. I know she is going to be a wonderful child & superb human being. I love her more each day <3

 So that is what has been going on here! Below are some pictures of Dani I took at 17 weeks pregnant. Her little bump is getting bigger each day & we have started to feel Lola move around. It is very surreal to say the least. That is all for now... Any parenting advice you may have I am game! Expect a lot more pregnancy photo shoots in cute little dresses & baby pictures when Lola arrives. Cheers everyone!

Future Career: Dog Photography

Well... maybe one day...

It is currently cold & rainy here in Southern California thanks to the beginning of El Nino. So what better way to add some light (pun intended) by looking at pictures of dogs. This is my brother's sweet sweet pit bull, Daisy. She is a rescue dog with the biggest heart. 

I am currently working on updating my website & creating an outline for 2016. I hope everyone is doing swell on this Tuesday!

Los Angeles Pitbull

Favorite Photo Of The Year

As this year comes to a close I have been doing quite a bit of reflecting. There are many proud moments to which I think I may write about in more depth later. For now however, I am inclined to keep it simple & share my personal favorite photo of the year. This photo is from Robin & Ember's wedding in August & I think it says so much about the couple. The pose is simple, relaxed, honest & romantic. Ember's eyes are striking & it as if you can feel her joy from having just completed her vows. Though I posed Robin, his expression is 100% genuinely his, for he adores Ember & this is their first moment alone as a married couple.

There is romance, in this photo.

There is honesty in this photo. 

This is everything I want to do in spades in the year 2016 with all future couples. Congratulations to Robin & Ember who got married this year &  thank you thank you thank you doing 99% of the work for this photo because you two look amazing! Cheers to the couple.

Do Epic Shit

What do you do when you feel less then confident? As a creative, what happens to you when you feel like your creativity is the equivalent of sitting in standstill traffic on a Friday night in Los Angeles? 

I had been pondering questions like these for the last couple hours when I stumbled across this picture I took in August. This memo sits atop the desk in the home studio of the wonderfully talented artist Lisa Engelbrecht. Sadly, Lisa passed last year but her spirit most definitely lives on. Her studio is overflowing with tiny cues to inspiration. From pictures of Elvis & Bob Dylan-- newspaper clippings & those ceramic cats that wave to you from a Chinese market-- & of course her art-- her poetry. This clipping she had pasted to her desk is just a taste of her work as she was quite a prolific creative soul. I never really got the chance to know Lisa in this world but the outpouring of love from family & friends after her passing was incredible. I swear it could move mountains. I guess what I am trying to say is a year later it still moves me.

 She lit her community on fire (in a good way, of course) & she was a source of inspiration to those around her. Her words & art undoubtedly live on eternally. As I create my studio space & build a life around art, photography & just plain being a good person as she most definitely was, I too want to be fearless. Peace, everyone & everything. 


Los Encinos State Historic Park - Rubin Family

Every now & again it is important that we take a moment to recognize just how important our loved ones are. Our friends & family are the lifeline to happiness. 

Over the Thanksgiving weekend I spent an afternoon with my sister-in-laws beautiful family, the Rubin's- Jason, Paige, Taylor & Josh. They live just down the street from the peaceful Los Encinos State Historic Park. The weather was cold & the wind felt brisk but it was perfect "jacket weather." The clouds hung in the sky lazily as if they too were relaxing for the Thanksgiving weekend. The Rubin's & I took a break from playing Apples to Apples to spend some time in the park.

Meet the Rubin's. Jason, Taylor, Josh & Paige. They are such a wonderful, close knit unit that really knows how to have a good time ;)

Paige chose their wardrobe but I swear they look they belong in an Anthropologie advertisement!

Some times you just need to stop, have a little fun & be silly! Why not?

Oh did I mention they have one of the cutest little dogs around? This is Dexter, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. He is so well behaved & a very important member of the Rubin clan :)

Nothing like taking pictures during magic hour. I love that golden light!

Taylor & Josh have the typical sibling rivalry every now & again but 99.9% of the time there is nothing but love & admiration. They are the best of friends & each other's support. It reminds me of my relationship with my older sister in SO many ways :)

Josh is incredibly creative, imaginative & can make just about any one laugh. Josh loves to play sports but his latest goal is to become an actor & have his own television series. I think after seeing these pictures The Disney Channel or Nickelodeon should be calling in a few weeks!

Taylor is the older sister to Josh. She is brilliant, creative & wise beyond her years. Taylor enjoys to draw but most of all she loves playing soccer. Taylor ran some circles around me with the soccer ball. So talented...

Nothing is more special then a mother & her kids. While at the Rubin household, Josh read me a story he wrote in school about how his mom was his hero. Cute :)


Paige & Jason have been together since their days in college. The love between them is truly incredible. 

More sibling love...& Dexter

Such a lovely day with a lovely family <3

Listen To The Music

I heard this song last week & I literally cannot stop thinking about it-- I have had it on repeat since the moment I heard it. I thought I would share with those interested because who doesn't love new music? The artist is Nils Frahm & the track title is, "Ode."  When I hear it I slip away to some other beautiful universe... I know it sounds cheesy but this track is just so incredibly lovely. Take a listen & float away!

video shot on the first annual "Piano Day" music by Nils Frahm from "solo"

Love & Compassion

I believe in love.

I believe in compassion.

I embrace love & compassion & I strive to incorporate these concepts into my daily life... There are times when I am mired in my own insecurities, entangled in a vulnerable state of self-doubt, that I forget momentarily to be compassionate. During these times I try to step back & analyze my thoughts & feelings so that I may return to where I feel most at home, with love & compassion. 

Vulnerability is a strength because it allows the world to see who we are & it allows us to see who we are. I feel that it also allows us to tune in closely to those around us-- Family, friends, loved ones, & even strangers.  We have all experienced a time where we were exposed & were faced with a choice to shut down the vulnerable feeling or simply embrace it. When it comes to vulnerability, there  really is nothing to be afraid of. 

We are all in some way connected to one another. So remember to love & to be compassionate. 

Romance In Huntington Beach

Okay full disclosure: I staged a romantic "engagement" session with Bennett & Jordan. My brother & his wife have been married for just over a year but I figured I would snap some intimate photos of just the two of them. 

 We were in Huntington Beach to take family photos of Jordan's family for an upcoming Christmas card but I made these two love birds pose for the camera a few times. We were taking pictures at sunset so the light was perfect & golden. So yes, it was an "engagement session" with extra emphasis on the quotations. Either way, I am so grateful for them letting me use them as models. That's what brother's are for... right? 

 Wait. I got it. It was an anniversary photo shoot. Yes. Happy Belated Anniversary Benny & Jordan. Love you guys.

Follow Their Lead & Explore

Last week, my sister threw a birthday party at Rush Park for my nephew Liam. It was a small & intimate gathering of close family. The weather was close to perfect after 3 days of sweltering heat in mid-October. Liam turned 4 & was naturally the star of the day, running around playing a game of soccer with his cousins. While all this was going on, I noticed Liam's cousin off in the grass exploring the contents of the park with his dad Brian. Watching Finn joyfully explore new things is a good reminder for those of us caught up in the monotony of day to day adult life. Bills, clean, lunch, dinner, clean, bills, work etc.... We can't forget that it is important take the time to enjoy the little things.


Thank you Finn, for reminding me of my need to explore this beautiful world. Also, you're pretty darn cute! 

Remember To Enjoy The Journey

They say (whoever they is) that patience is a virtue. I feel I must sit & ponder these words at this moment. When I set my mind to some thing I have trouble letting things take their natural course. I want results & I want them now. I believe that is the underlying theme of my professional endeavors at the moment. I have done more then I thought I would do in less then a years time since making the decision to be a photographer yet, I still want more, more, MORE! I think that is only natural for creatives or a professional in relatively any new field to grow impatient because they aren't seeing immediate results. I watched my wife toil through 3 years of graduate school training to be a psychologist. In her last year, despite how ready she felt to take the reigns she had to be patient. I need this reminder as I flip through various social media accounts (facebook, pinterest, instagram, etc.) & make unnecessary upward comparisons about my progression. I am not competing with anyone but myself. I need to focus on the long game & enjoy the now-- enjoy the journey at hand-- Stay positive. Also, practice. Practice. Practice & practice some more! 

Have You Ever Loved A Woman?

Have you ever loved a woman so much...

Flashback to four years ago (in a galaxy far far away...)

I was finishing up my last year of undergrad & Dani was in her very first semester of graduate school. We were in different time zones, opposite coasts & our relationship survived on a series of late night phone calls, text messages & YouTube videos made by yours truly. All I wanted was the day-to-day with her where multiple time zones didn't present themselves as an obstacle. This is what our first year together was like. I am not going to lie, it was tough! On her birthday that year, I wished nothing more then to spend the day with her-- to lift her up & make her feel special. Instead I settled, or, rather she settled, on phone calls, text messages & a bouquet of flowers. 

I am not sure why on this morning of Dani's birthday that this memory struck me first. I suppose it is that I not only feel incredibly fortunate to be married to her but I am also grateful for being in the same time zone, under the same roof where we share the day-to-day. I would like to add myself to the running list of men who married out of their league-- way out of their league. Dani is a superhuman & I am a mere mortal. She is the definition of a good person--selfless, compassionate, gracious & dedicated. She has simultaneously kept me grounded & lifted me to heights I never imagined possible for myself.  I love the life we have created & the future we strive for. Happy birthday to my beautiful wife. I want you to feel cherished & special every day of the year. I love you, Birdie. 



Be Creative- Take a Leap of Faith

At times, being creative seems like an arduous task. Things exist solely in your head & you are stymied by self-doubt, negative thoughts & (if you're like me) totally unrealistic, hypothetical scenarios where you only experience failure. Recently I have rediscovered that being creative requires a bit of hard work & you can't wait around for that moment of inspiration to strike. I have read this, heard this, spoken these very words but it is a good reminder to all people striving to be creative. Keep on keeping on...

For me being creative also requires a daily dose of small leaps of faith. I never know what awaits around the corner, or what the end result will be -- & most of the time this excites me however, sometimes it strikes fear into my soul & I find myself stagnant. Fear can be a friend & fear can be your worst enemy. Sometimes it is fear that motivates you to be better, take on more risks, make more mistakes & learn to be a better you.

Making the decision to be a professional photographer required a huge leap of faith on my part but I made the jump & haven't looked back. I didn't know what would transpire & the story will always be a little bit unfinished. But I am glad I didn't let fear prevent me from taking that leap into something that made me happy. "Leap & the net will appear..."

We Are Family-- familia es todo

 Family is everything...familia es todo


Family is everything...familia es todo


Family is the support you get when you take on new endeavors.

Family is the yelling & screaming over a Sunday night dinner only to come back the next week to do it all over again with a smile on your face.

Family is giving tough love when & where it is needed.

Family is making someone feel a part of your family & thus create a bigger family.

Family is putting up with sarcasm, passive aggressive comments & the occasional eye-roll & knowing that in the end everyone means well. 

Family is a Friday night where instead of going out to get drinks with friends, you opt to sit by a bonfire with brothers & sisters because they are your friends.  

Family is splitting your time between families during the holidays to make everyone happy.

Family is a constant reminder that we are lucky for where we are & what we have. 

Family is something you do not choose & then, sometimes it is. 

My brother Bennett chose to make a family with this lovely person. Jordan, is a member of our family & vice versa. She is strong-willed, intelligent, compassionate, funny & 100% awesome. Bennett is lucky-- & Dani & I are lucky to have her as family. Happy Birthday, "Uncle" Jordan. Here is to a bright future rich with family! Also, I hope your day is spider free... ;)

Monte Verde Park Wedding - Robin + Ember

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon in Southern California. The skies were clear with exception of a few clouds & a light breeze kissed your skin... August 22nd was the perfect day for a wedding in Monte Verde Park in Lakewood, CA.  On this lovely afternoon Robin+Ember said "I DO." Robin & Ember have four of the cutest kids that helped make the day even more special. I feel lucky to have been a part of their wedding which was filled to the brim with love & family. Everyone who knows the couple knows how hard they worked to get to this day. I am simply happy to have been able to capture what proved to be a magical wedding. Here's to the couple! Check out their video story in the link below. Cheers everyone!